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Orbyx - Extensible Graph Visualizer

·420 words·2 mins
Dusan Lecic
Dusan Lecic
Seeking mastery
Table of Contents

orbyx graph explorer


Orbyx is a Graph Visualization project written with Python and JavaScript. It’s main focus is extensibility with plugins.


Before you get started with Orbyx, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed on your system:

  • Git
  • Python


Clone the Orbyx repository and navigate into the directory:

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Adding more plugins

First, you need to decide which kind of plugin you want to add. If you decide to go with a Data Source plugin, you need to create a class which will implement DataSourceAPI (api/services/data_source_api). Or perhaps you could choose to write a Visualizer plugin, then you will need to create a class which will implement Visualizer (api/services/visualizer_api)

class DataSourceAPI(ABC):
    def get_name(self) -> str:
        """Abstract property for the name of the data source"""
    def get_requirements(self) -> List:         
        """Abstract method for the name that will return list of dependencies necessary."""

    def parse_data(self, data: Any) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
        """Method that will parse data and consturct a graph"""

    def get_graph(self, parsed_data: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Graph:
        """Method that will send data to the plugin and recieve a graph"""
class Visualizer(ABC):
    def get_name(self) -> str:
        """Abstract property for the name of the visualizer"""

    def visualize(self, graph: Graph) -> Any:
        """Abstract method for data visualization"""

After that you will need to put it in a folder and add a file for it. It should contain these lines:

  • ‘orbyx_tinywiki’: [’template=tinywiki.engine:WikipediaDataSource’] - example if you’re writting a data source plugin
  • ‘orbyx_visualizer_plugin’: [’template=visualize.generate_template:BlockVisualizer’] - example if you’re writting a data source plugin

Optionally, you want to add dependencies which are required for your plugin.

That’s it! You’re ready to enjoy Orbyx.

Currently written plugins

  • Tinywiki - Wikipedia Data Source which scrapes wikipedia until its found N number of nodes, it only works with en.wikipedia articles.
  • Java Data Source - Written with antlr, data source which will go through your java project and make a graph from it.
  • Block Visualizer - Visualizer which will make visualization for your graph with squares containing content of the graph node.
  • Simple Visualizer - Visualizer which will make blob-like visualization using your graph nodes.

Additional Views

  • Tree View - Displays data in a Tree like way, similar to popular IDEs or text editors, located on left of the web application.
  • Bird View - Minimized view of the entire graph, which traces your zoom with a red rectangle.

Gallery #
